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Located in the north of Spain in the Province of Castilla y León. This beautiful city was founded in 884 by Diego Rodríguez Porcelos. In it the famous Burgos Laws were dictated, laws that governed the norms for the conquest of America and that are the basis of the Declaration of Human Rights of today.  

Burgos stands out for its medieval architecture, where the Cathedral of Santa María shines, declared a World Heritage Site in 1984 and where the remains of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, better known as EL CID CAMPEADOR, rest. It is essential to visit the Plaza Mayor for tapas, the Church of San Nicolás de Bari, the Casa del Cordón that was the place of accommodation of Kings and where Christopher Columbus stayed upon his return from his second trip to America and of course the Museum of Human Evolution. 

The Burgos cuisine stands out for its Olla Podrida (Don Quixote called it platanazo), also for the black pudding of Burgos, lamb or young lamb, Castilian soup with chorizo, cuts of Iberian ham, garlic, dry bread and paprika, without leaving aside the Grandfather’s Dessert made up of fresh cheese from Burgos covered with honey and walnuts.

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