Home / Experiences / Córdoba


Cordoba was a place of peaceful coexistence of three different cultures: jewish, muslim and christian. First, a Roman settlement, then taken over by the Visigoths, and after conquered by the Muslims, Córdoba became an imperial city and the capital of the Islamic Spain, and a world-leading center of knowledge.

Home of many notable pieces of Moorish architecture such as “La Mezquita” (named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984), The Alcázar and the Roman Bridge, Córdoba’s landscape is a melting pot of the native Iberians, Phoenicians, Varthaginians, Greeks, Romans, Vandals, Visigoths, Byzantines, Jews, Romani, Arab Umayyads, and Muslin Moors, which made this city surpass Constantinople as Europe’s biggest city during the Islamic Golden Age.

Alcazar de los Reyes